DIN51mm Breathable Cap for Drums Jerricans

Model No. : CFD-VCP-5150B
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

Packaging vent plug D38

Model No. : CFD-VPL-D38
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

Natural HDPE DIN40mm Vented Closures

Model No. : CFD-AS-VCP-4037
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

CFDPLAS natural HDPE DIN51mm Vented Caps

Model No. : CFD-VCP-5150A
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

38mm Reagent Bottle Vented Green Cap

Model No. : CFD-CUB-CA3806
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

38mm Vented Cap for cubitainers

Model No. : CFD-AS-VCP-3830
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

Vented PE foam Liners for bottles and containers

Model No. : AS-VPL-L024-061
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

Packaging vent plug D15 type for plastic containers

Model No. : AS-VPL-D15
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

Vented Seal Liners for bottles and containers

Model No. : AS-VPL-124-161
Brand Name : CFDPLAS

DIN61mm Vented caps for Jerry Cans

Model No. : AS-VCP-001
Brand Name : CFDPLAS